Showing posts with label meta tags. Show all posts
Showing posts with label meta tags. Show all posts

Friday, December 13, 2013

Changing Meta Info of video files with ffmpeg (command line)

If you want to add or change the meta information of your video/audio files, you probably can find a GUI driven software that does just that for you. But if you happen to work on your media server in command line, and want to change a file here and there via the command line.

You have some options as:

mencoder, ogmtools, mkvtoolsnix, ffmpeg.

Of all the above, ffmpeg seems to support the largest set of container formats.


You have a video file: videofile.mkv
and want to add or change some meta data:

title = "My Title",
comments = "My Comments"

Here is how you do it @ the command line, given you have ffmpeg and the needed codexes installed properly.

ffmpeg -i videofile.mkv -vcodec copy -acodec copy -metadata title="My Title" -metadata comments="My Comments" NewFile.mkv

Other meta tags you can manipulate for audio & video files are:

album        -- name of the set this work belongs to
album_artist -- main creator of the set/album, if different from artist.
                e.g. "Various Artists" for compilation albums.
artist       -- main creator of the work
comment      -- any additional description of the file.
composer     -- who composed the work, if different from artist.
copyright    -- name of copyright holder.
creation_time-- date when the file was created, preferably in ISO 8601.
date         -- date when the work was created, preferably in ISO 8601.
disc         -- number of a subset, e.g. disc in a multi-disc collection.
encoder      -- name/settings of the software/hardware that produced the file.
encoded_by   -- person/group who created the file.
filename     -- original name of the file.
genre        -- <self-evident>.
language     -- main language in which the work is performed, preferably
                in ISO 639-2 format. Multiple languages can be specified by
                separating them with commas.
performer    -- artist who performed the work, if different from artist.
                E.g for "Also sprach Zarathustra", artist would be "Richard
                Strauss" and performer "London Philharmonic Orchestra".
publisher    -- name of the label/publisher.
service_name     -- name of the service in broadcasting (channel name).
service_provider -- name of the service provider in broadcasting.
title        -- name of the work.
track        -- number of this work in the set, can be in form current/total.
variant_bitrate -- the total bitrate of the bitrate variant that the current stream is part of