Showing posts with label eID-Belgium. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eID-Belgium. Show all posts

Sunday, December 6, 2015

eID-Software in 5 steps on Ubuntu 12.04 Lts, 14.04 Lts, 15.04

Card Reader: ACR38 usb:
(But any generic card reader should work)

In Belgium, the eID (Electronic ID card) is widely used to sign-on into many governmental services. (ex. Fedict, Student@work, beConnected, eBirth, myBelgium, TaxonWeb, Horeca@work, MyPension, eBox ...)

Installing an eID card-reader in Linux is not as strait forward as it could be.

I've used the following procedure to install it on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS & 14.04 LTS and on Crouton version of 14.04 LTS of my Chromebook.

I will explain in 5 steps how to get your ACR38 eID card reader working in Linux.
(For Ubuntu 12.04, 14.04 & 15.04, but probably works on other Debian based distro's as well )