Showing posts with label Web searching. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Web searching. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Customize FireFox start-up

As we all know, you can start up Firefox with different settings, blank page, home page .... but you can also open several tabs on start up.

 Example: open one tab with your dash, second tab with your favourite news site, third tab with Google search page.

Your start-up setting would then look like:


Sunday, July 8, 2012

Google more efficiently.

We all can Google, but do we really Google efficiently?
Probably not. I've collected some tricks from various sites on the net.


  1. Explicit search:

    Searching for an exact phrase (explicit) can be done by encapsulate the phrase with double quotes

    Example: searching for this blog with the exact title:
    "Search more efficiently with Google"
  2. Similar search:

    When you don't know the exact phrase or word for what you are looking for, you can ask Google to use synonyms of a particular word. Lets say you are looking for manuals of something. but it might be listed under guides, tutorials and so on. You can tell Google to use all of the synonyms by using the tilde symbol "~" in front manual.

    Example: Looking for a manual for Ubuntu:
    Ubuntu ~manual

    This search will give results for Ubuntu tutorials, manuals, guides, documentations, instructions........

  3. Using OR statement:

    When using the OR statement Google will give you the search result of both words.

    Example: Search for Milk OR Coffee.

    Milk OR Coffee