Showing posts with label BlueTooth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BlueTooth. Show all posts

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Ubuntu 8.04: BlueTooth headset in Skype on Acer Aspire 8920G

Normally the installation of Ubuntu should detect the BT-controller. Turn on the BT receiver/transmitter and you will see if it is detected. Go in terminal mode:
Test if the BT adapter is working:
$ hciconfig -a
If you get an output with hci0 and manufactures name, the BT adapter is working.

Config BT configuration file:
$ sudo gedit /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf
Near the top of the file you will see the following:

# HCId options options {

# Automatically initialize new devices autoinit yes;

# Security Manager mode

# none - Security manager disabled

# auto - Use local PIN for incoming connections

# user - Always ask user for a PIN

# security user;

Change the security user line to

security auto A

few lines down from this is a section about password:

# Default PIN code for incoming connections passkey "1234";

Change the default password “1234” to something else, e.g.: 8372.

This will be the passkey required for other Blue tooth devices to connect to you and it would be insecure to leave it at the default. SAVE the file and EXIT.

Restart the BT service to activate the changes in the config-file above.

$ sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart

An informational box will appear in your task bar saying:

-0 Device has been made discoverable

where is your computer's name.
In my case Aspire9820: "Aspire8920-0 Device has been made connectable".

Turn on BT headset , but don't go into pairing mode, and type the following:

$ hcitool scan

your BT adapter will scan for devices and show your headset. Occasionally it won't show anything, in which case you can try the scan while having te headset in pairing mode (Your headset probably has been paired with another device, putting it in pairing mode wile scanning again, will make it visual)

The output would look like this:

$ hcitool scan
Scanning ...

Take note of the MAC-address, you will need it in next section.

Create a new (hidden) file in your home directory called “. asoundrc”

sudo gedit ~/.asoundrc
Add the following code and add the Substitute the MAC-address with your MAC-address that you gathered as seen earlier.

pcm.bluetooth {

type bluetooth

device 00:41:2E:AA:CB:C1

profile "auto


Save and Exit the editor
Loading modules and making pulse audio (default for Skype) aware of the BT device.

$ sudo hciconfig hci0 voice 0x0060
$ sudo modprobe snd_bt_sco
$ sudo modprobe sco

If you would like to load the drivers automatically on each boot, only add the two modprobe lines above to the end of the /etc/modules file (sudo gedit /etc/modules)

$ pactl load-module module-alsa-sink device=bluetooth
$ pactl load-module module-alsa-source device=bluetooth

If you do kernel updates or system updates to sound drivers, you might have to run these last 2 commands again to make your headset work with Skype. (I would suggest to keep them in a file on your desktop and make them executable for higher convenience. Alternatively you could create another hidden file in your home folder, but you might have side effects with it and not recommendable.

This procedure is to make your headset work with Skype, not to play your audio. Your BT device is not yet connected to your sound card yet. If you choose to create that functionality you will have to add few more procedures. (not covered in this manual)